Access this year’s influentials

As was the case last year, making our final choices wasn’t easy. Florida Trend’s editorial department is entirely responsible for the list you see here.
Publisher’s Letter
Editor’s Letter
Welcome to the second edition of the Florida 500, a special section that highlights the 500 most influential executives in different economic sectors throughout the state. This immense, year-long research initiative by the editors of Florida Trend has resulted in a personal, engaging look at the state’s most influential business leaders.
· See a full list of this year’s Influentials ·
- Agriculture
- Arts & Entertainment
- Education
- Energy
- Finance & Insurance
- Hospitality / Tourism
- 加速器破解
- Law
- Life Sciences
- Living Legends
- Manufacturing
- Philanthropy / Non-Profits
- Professional Services
- Real Estate
- 免费加速器
- Transportation
Arts & Entertainment
Finance & Insurance
Media | Tech
Living Legends
Philanthropy / Non-Profits
Professional Services
Real Estate
The editorial staff of Florida Trend recognizes Florida’s most influential business leaders spanning across more than 60 business categories. The editorial selection of the 500 executives was based on extensive contacts in regional business circles, hundreds of interviews and months of research, culminating in a highly selective biographical guide to the people who really run Florida.

We are currently accepting recommendations for the 2023 Florida 500 issue.
To share an influential business leader recommendation with the editorial staff of Florida Trend – please compete and submit the information below.
All recommendations will be viewed and considered, but final selection will be made by Florida Trend’s executive editorial team.
The 500 executives are selected based on extensive contacts in regional business circles, multiple interviews, months of research, culminating in a highly selective biographical guide to the people who really run Florida.
Unprecedented in scope, the Florida 500 is the product of year-long research initiative by the editors of Florida Trend resulting in a personal, engaging look at the state’s most influential business leaders across major industries.
Florida 500
490 First Avenue South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
© 2018 Florida Trend